Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hadidas and Potato Chips

Africa is amazing.

First of all there are these cuss UGLY birds called Hadidas (ha-dee-duhs). They look like a mangy pelican had a bad date with a seagull and a Hadida was the outcome. And the sound they make is no better. It sounds like a 50lb angry/sick crow. Ugh. They never shut up.

Everything is so different, even the little things like the names on the cereal. There's Otees and Milo and this funky hazelnut type called Squillios. The potato chips make me laugh. They have normal brands like we do but the Lay's "sour cream and onion" flavor is called "Sweet Onion and Cheese Flavor". Hhahahaaha and the nacho cheese Doritos are called.. "Cheese supreme flavoured tortilla style corn chips." What a mouth full. Imagine you friend is going to the store and they ask what you want as you leave and are like:

"Hey man you want anything at the store?" *door closing*


haha the first guy would have already closed the door.

But everything is so fresh and natural, you don't have to wonder what you are eating. This morning they went to the bakery and bought bagels for us for breakfast, the bagels were still warm from the oven <3 The meat is not genetically altered the rolls are to die for. You get all bread at a bakery around here, store bought is not really heard of. I mean, you can buy store bought bagels but no one really does.

The scenery is incredible. I can't describe to you what it looks like. We are in a town called Centurion, which is a rather nice town but the area we are living in right now (at our Leader, Hein's, house) is completely caged off. The entire area is surrounded by fencing that you need a specific sticker on your car to get into, the house is completely surrounded by a fence that is armed with a rather loud (annoying) alarm, the house is alarmed and every window and door is bared. He said when we got here, "we don't know who is more trapt. The people on the outside or the people on the inside." And practically everyone leaves their dog outside all day and night. Hein has a spaniel (Max) and a Great Dane (Tigger) cross. The neighbors have a full sized Great Dane (he is HUGE) and a couple small dogs. They bark a lot but it's sort of a sense of comfort. They tell us it's because of the dog hair but we all sort of known it's for extra protection. We aren't really allowed outside at night, except in the back yard (surrounded by brick walls) for a little while. But, he doesn't suggest it. It makes me laugh every time when we leave because he hits this thing on his key chain that basically locks his house and arms the alarm and I always giggle.

We had pizza last night, and it was fantastic! American pizza will forever be gross to me.

Thank you all for your prayers! I'm so excited to go to Pomfret on Wednesday morning!

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