Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Classical Music and Scripture

Today has been a roller coaster. What we focused on in this mornings session was what we think of ourselves. I have a hard time forgiving myself for some stuff I've done in the past and I don't see myself as a good person so, that was difficult. But we spent a lot of time just in a group discussing our struggles as followers of Christ and it was very bonding. Our team is becoming more of a family. Walls are coming down, tears are being shed and love is pouring out. 

But I've spent most of my day focused on my unforgivable past. And how is God supposed to forgive me if I can't even forgive myself?

And we got out of "class" early today and it is positively beautiful out over here in Indiana, so I grabbed my bible and phone and plopped down in some grass to really just dive into the word of God. I'm listening to classical music and I have no idea what to read and "Ephesians" pops into my head so I open it up and it is the book Matt Chandler preached out of in his sermon on foriveness. (If you haven't heard it, I highly suggest it. Amazing. YouTube it.) 

"Our default position as strugglers is to believe that God is disappointed and frustrated. That He is simply tolerating us." Matt Chandler

And that sermon means a lot to me as a struggler and so I'm reading trough the book and just hear the sermon from the mouth of God instead of a fellow follower. It says (my favorite part): "...he chose us before the foundation of the world was laid, that we should be holy in blameless before him... In him we have redemption trough his blood." (Ephesians 1:4,7)

"God does not regret saving you."

I am in total awe of his grace right now.

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