What Am I Doing?

We are going to Africa with the mindset of not "what are we doing."
But more with the mindset of "How will I live?"

We are going into communities in motion and living among them, as one of them, adopting their culture, their food, clothing and way of life. We are not going into do anything specific, but rather encourage them. They can make a difference in their own communities, sometimes with just a little encouragement. 

We learned this story about a small town in Costa Rica called Coroma that doesn't even have electricity, and they lived on a plot of land that was entirely surrounded my rivers. When it rained, sometimes they would be separated from their home for days, being unable to cross the rivers. A missions team went in and built a bridge, encouraging the people of Coroma enough that they went on to build more bridges and a school house. With some pushing they soon got a grant from their government to fund the school and children from small villages all around were finally able to attend schools! All because a small team went in and worked along side the village to build a bridge. This small act motivated them enough to make a huge change in the lives of hundreds and hundreds of people to come!

So that's what we are doing. Adopted their way of life and encouraging them in the name of Jesus. 

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